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Esquimalt Curling Club


2024/25 Season

Club Board Of Directors

PresidentAl Teasdale  778-977-7136  
Vice PresidentRandy Tonks  250-818-8638  
SecretaryKaren Hoban  250-478-5303  
InformationAl Teasdale  778-977-7136  
Past PresidentTorben Wilson  778-678-5110  
DirectorLen Hanischuk  250-744-0058  
Curl BC RepSteve Peckford  778-977-1674  
WebsiteDoug Muir  250-386-1982  

League Representatives

CFB Base CurlingDave Hickey  250 213 6934  
Doubles CurlingKathy Dann  778-884-5488  
Friday LadiesJanet Bell  250-665-7802  
Golden GirlsJudy Scott  250-655-9269  
Ladies AfternoonDianna McIntosh  250-382-3837  
Ladies EveningBrenda Joynson  778-405-0024  
Monday MensBrad Walsh  250-686-6461  
Rebels MixedBrenda Byrne  250-886-2012  
Senior MensAl Teasdale  778 977-7136  
Senior MixedGraeme McLaren  250-885-8355  
Senior Select (Mon)Bob Herbert  778-265-1914  
Senior Select (Wed)Bob Herbert  778-265-1914  
Sportsmens MensKen O'Connor  250-382-0143  
Sunday FundayKaren Hoban  250-478-5303  
Wednesday MensBrad Walsh  250-686-6461  
Wheelchair CurlingAmanda List     
White Ensign MixedTravis Shaw  250-882-5388  
Youth LeagueRachelle Perry  250-920-0921  

Club Bonspiel & Event Contacts

Club Open HouseAl Teasdale  778-977-7136  
Petersen 55+ OpenRobert Herbert  778-265-1914  
Optimist Junior Curling ClassicMurray Walker  778-533-4774  
Driftwood Brewery Men's BonspielBrad Walsh  250-686-6461  
Ladies BonspielBrenda Joynson  250-812-0393  
Masters BonspielAl Teasdale  778-977-7136  
Golden Girls BonspielDenise Forsberg  250-718-3850  
White Ensign Mixed BonspielTravis Shaw  250-882-5388  
47th Annual LogspielClay Snelling  250-475-2356  
Youth Family Fun DayRachelle Perry  250-920-0921  
Esquimalt Fun Charity BonspielBrian Morin  250-589-8709  

Ice Maintenance

Senior Ice Technician Al Sutherland   250-474-0950  


Minutes August 20, 2024
Minutes October 28, 2024
Minutes December 3, 2024
Minutes January 16, 2025
Curling Canada Fees January 16, 2025



Past Presidents

2020-2022 Torben Wilson  
2018-2020 Samantha Sherman  
2015-2018 Ken Whitehead  
2014-2015 Mike Pedneault  
2011-2014 Lei Davies  
2010-2011 Doug Leask  
2008-2010 Ed Gerhardt  
2005-2008 Dave Davies  
2003-2005 Bob McKie  
2001-2003 Denis Boudreau  
2000-2001 Bill Big Canoe  
1998-2000 Keith James  
1996-1998 George Hill  
1994-1996 Cheryl Noble  
1992-1994 Bill Staford  
1990-1992 Zel Moore  
1989-1990 Stew Thompson  
1988-1989 Murray Nesbitt  
1987-1988 Don Reidie  
1985-1987 Fred Zacek  
1984-1985 Tom Moore  
1983-1984 Chuck Kennedy  
1982-1983 Pat Kennedy  
1981-1982 John Sigalet  
1980-1981 Jack Klassen  
1979-1980 Mike O'Brien  

Curler of the Year 2009-2010
Pat Kennedy Memorial

Doug Leask

For Year 2009-2010, Doug Leask is having a break out year this and has really step into a league of his own. Coming out of the northern tip of Vancouver Island, Doug has been a curling for over 20 years and while he has had success on both the Island and the Mainland before - Year 2009-2010 has really been his year. While maintaining a busy schedule as a manager at the Tudor House Liquor store and holding the position of Vice President Status on the Esquimalt Curling Club's Board of Directors, Doug has also found time to participate in 4 Leagues - often holding SKIP responsibilities on each of the 4 different teams. It is by no coincidence that each of these teams and is currently among the leaders of the 'A' division in each league. These results are combined with Doug's participation in different bonspiels up and down the Island where Doug has been involved with teams placing in the top of 4 in the respective 'B' and 'C' divisions in The 2010 Courtenay Men's Open, 2010 Qualicum Men's Open, 2009 Parksville Men's Open, and 2009 Esquimalt's Men's Open to name a few. It has been estimated that in the 2009-2010 season, Doug will have participated in over 100 curling games. While participating in over 100 curling games is an impressive feat, what is more impressive about this is that his win ratio in these 100 plus games is over 80%!

While the list of accomplishments listed here would be impressive on any athlete's resume, what makes Doug a candidate for Curler Of The Year 2009-2010 is what Doug does off the ice and away from the rink. Doug is simply a leader by not only holding a formal position with the club, but his approachable easy going personality makes him a widely recognized personality amongst club members. With the help of his employer, Doug is a reliable and willing source of sponsorship and support for both league and bonspiel play at the Esquimalt Curling Club. Finally, if you wanted to get a sense how committed Doug is the sport of curling, you need to look no further than the main part of his email address - 'curlingfanactic'.

Douglas Leask is Curler of the Year for 2009-2010.


Past Recipients

2023-2024Clay & Gail Snelling
2022-2023Karen Hoban
2021-2022Dave & Lei Davies
2019-2020Bob McKie
2018-2019Darrell Deane
2017-2018Rachelle Perry
2016-2017Al Teasdale
2015-2016Bruce Joanisse
2014-2015Ken Whitehead
2012-2013Keith McIntosh
2011-2012Flo Sullivan
2010-2011Fred Zacek & Whitey Wakelyn
2009-2010Doug Leask
2008-2009Ron Pinfold
2007-2008Toni Tomlinson
2006-2007Roy Johnson
2005-2006Lei Davies
2004-2005Doug Muir
2003-2004Yvonne Leach
2002-2003Dave Davies
2001-2002Faye Johnson
2000-2001Keith James
1999-2000Ken Moore
1998-1999Barry Brown
1997-1998Doug Brietzke
1996-1997Cheryl Noble
1995-1996Edie Hilton
1994-1995Zel Moore
1993-1994Sharon & Dave Hatter
1992-1993Ken O'Connor
1991-1992Tom Levasseur

Nominate the Curler of the Year

Pat Kennedy Memorial

Do you know someone who has contributed to the Esquimalt Curling Club and that they should be recognized? Here is your chance to nominate that person to attain the ''Curler of the Year'' award.

This award is presented at the Club Championship Luncheon to the curler who best displays the following characteristics:

  1. This curler should be a regular member and curler in the Esquimalt Curling Club.
  2. This curler has shown an interest in standing for office or holds office at this time.
  3. This curler regularly attends curling functions of his/her league and the league games.
  4. This curler makes an extra effort to see that the league is or becomes more successful.
  5. This curler's attitude towards fellow curlers is correct and shows good sportsmanship.
  6. This curler abides by the code of curling ethics.
  7. This curler actively promotes curling and contributes to the betterment of the Curling Club.

This award will be presented by the Esquimalt Curling Club to the Esquimalt curler for his/her efforts during the current season.

All nominations must be received at least 30 days prior to the Club Championships for consideration. Please give nominations to a member of the Esquimalt Curling Club Board Of Directors .

Only you can give back to those that volunteer to make our club as successful as it is. Please take the time to nominate someone for this time-honoured award.

Please Support Our Sponsors

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