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Esquimalt Curling Club

White Ensign Mixed Bonspiel

February 17-21, 2016

Another successful year. Congratulations to all the curlers and thank you to those that make this event possible.


The Bonspiel Results:
'A' Event
1stMike Angrove
2ndMurray Walker
3rdBen Wilson
4thDolores Wallace

'B' Event
1stRon Bilodeau
2ndBruce Joanisse
3rdTanya Clark
4thDebbie Bradley
'C' Event
1stTrevor Smith
2ndJim Williams
3rdCecil Issel
4thGreg Renton
'D' Event
1stKeith Kresse
2ndBruce Morrison
3rdGerry Batt
4thDave Long


Rank2015/16     2014/15     2013/14     2012/13
1Mike Angrove Darwin Pringle Bruce Joanisse Kristina Cook
2Murray Walker Ron Bilodeau Andrew Tam Mark Leach
3Ben Wilson Steve Fornelli Steve McKague Larry Erickson
4Dolores Wallace Collin Coughlin Jim Williams Andrew McMullen
5Ron Bilodeau Brian Boyd Clay Snelling Mike Angrove
6Bruce Joanisse Clay Snelling Georges Bombezin Keith Kresse
7Tanya Clark Travis Clark Tom Henderson Darwin Pringle
8Debbie Bradley Keith Kresse Greg Fletcher Tom Sandwith
9Trevor Smith Greg Renton Larry Erickson Scott Macdonald
10Jim Williams Thomas Sandwith Rob McIntosh Dolores Wallace
11Cecil Issel Yanni Vasilakopoulos Terry Weegar Ron Danderfer
12Greg Renton Andrew Tam Trevor Smith Red Rockets
13Keith Kresse Bruce Joanisse Darwin Pringle Gary Callandar
14Bruce Morrison Joe Vassallo Brian Boyd Tarvis Clark
15Gerry Batt Al Schyf Ron Bilodeau Greg Renton
16Dave Long Terry Weegar Dolores Wallace Paul Henderson


Rank2015/16     2014/15
1Mike Angrove Darwin Pringle
2Murray Walker Ron Bilodeau
3Ben Wilson Steve Fornelli
4Dolores Wallace Collin Coughlin
5Ron Bilodeau Brian Boyd
6Bruce Joanisse Clay Snelling
7Tanya Clark Travis Clark
8Debbie Bradley Keith Kresse
9Trevor Smith Greg Renton
10Jim Williams Thomas Sandwith
11Cecil Issel Yanni Vasilakopoulos
12Greg Renton Andrew Tam
13Keith Kresse Bruce Joanisse
14Bruce Morrison Joe Vassallo
15Gerry Batt Al Schyf
16Dave Long Terry Weegar

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