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Esquimalt Curling Club

White Ensign Mixed Bonspiel

February 12-16, 2020

Another successful year. Congratulations to all the curlers and thank you to those that make this event possible.


The Bonspiel Results:
'A' Event
1stClay Snelling
2ndRich Gabriel
3rdAl Thomson
4thJohn Leroy

'B' Event
1stPaul Dixon
2ndBrian Feldman
3rdBrian Crossley
4thAl Schyf
'C' Event
1stGerry Batt
2ndDon Venn
3rdShannon Baradoy
4thGeoff Davis
'D' Event
1stRandy Niemen
2ndYanni Vasilakopoulos
3rdMyrna Proulx
4thMichael Bryan


Rank2019/20     2018/19     2017/18     2016/17
1Clay Snelling Larry Erickson Keith Kresse  Bomb
2Rich Gabriel Richie Gabriel Dave Long Keith Kresse
3Al Thomson Geoff Davis Brian Boyd Murray Walker
4John Leroy Clay Snelling Derek Richmond Clay Snelling
5Paul Dixon Dave Shortill Ron Bilodeau Kevin McDonald
6Brian Feldman Al Thomson Greg Renton Greg Renton
7Brian Crossley Michael Bryan Tony Ibaraki Don Allan
8Al Schyf Jim Williams Mike Badry Al Schyf
9Gerry Batt Yanni Vasilakopoulos Cecil Issel Keith McIntosh
10Don Venn Kristi Joyce Cindy Brar Dolores Wallace
11Shannon Baradoy Jules Looy John Leroy Chris O'Brien
12Geoff Davis Tanya Clark John Davis Rich Gabriel
13Randy Niemen Lois Richmond Dolores Wallace Mike Angrove
14Yanni Vasilakopoulos Jon Swartz Tanya Clark Tom Sandwith
15Myrna Proulx Randy Niemen Gerry Batt  Chris Cardiff
16Michael Bryan Brian Feldman Jim Williams Jim Williams


Rank2019/20     2018/19
1Clay Snelling Larry Erickson
2Rich Gabriel Richie Gabriel
3Al Thomson Geoff Davis
4John Leroy Clay Snelling
5Paul Dixon Dave Shortill
6Brian Feldman Al Thomson
7Brian Crossley Michael Bryan
8Al Schyf Jim Williams
9Gerry Batt Yanni Vasilakopoulos
10Don Venn Kristi Joyce
11Shannon Baradoy Jules Looy
12Geoff Davis Tanya Clark
13Randy Niemen Lois Richmond
14Yanni Vasilakopoulos Jon Swartz
15Myrna Proulx Randy Niemen
16Michael Bryan Brian Feldman

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